A note about our online bulletins

I realized last week that I have not communicated to you a change to the way I post our bulletins online. Because of copyright laws which allow some things, like hymns and poems, to be used for worship/one-time use and do not look favorably on providing public access to these things, I limit the amount of time the bulletins are out in the wild, so to speak! From now on, I will make the bulletin publicly available on Saturday at noon. The bulletin will automatically disappear from public view on Sunday at noon.

I’m sorry for that inconvenience. I am always happy to send you a copy of the bulletin if you need it for anything. Just let me know!

Advent / Christmas 2023

Advent is about the birth of something sacred. For something sacred needs to be born: born from the mating of what is, and what might be. It needs a manger. So let us prepare a manger in our hearts for the birth of the sacred. — Davidson Loer

The four magical weeks of Advent begin on December 3 with the lighting of the first Advent Candle, the traditional candle of hope.

On the 3rd week of Advent (December 17), our children will lead us in a St. Lucia celebration of light. Usually held on the 13th, children in Sweden, carry in light (on their heads!) and food to honor the martyr Saint Lucy who descended into the Roman catacombs to bring light and food to the Christians hiding from the Romans during the first century of the church. Please bring some food to share with the Waterbury Common Market (food shelf). Our Santa Lucias will coming bearing St. Lucia bread which we will share during worship.

The Live Nativity this year will be on December 23 at 4:30 pm in the side yard between the church and the parking lot.

On the 4th Sunday of Advent, which also Christmas Eve, we will hold two services, one at 4 pm and another 7 pm. The early service will be our children’s service complete with a story whereas our 7 pm service will be Nine Lessons and Carols. Both will include the beloved “Silent Night” to candlelight.

Musical Events

Thursday, November 30 at 6 pm — Vermont Youth Opera Concert

Sunday, December 10, 3 pm — Waterbury Community Band Holiday Concert

Friday, December 15, 7:30 pm — The Mad River Chorale Holiday Concert, “Peace on Earth”

Sunday, December 17, 3 pm — Solaris Vocal Ensemble, “Rejoice!”

Other Events

Advent Workshop — You’re invited to come downstairs after worship on December 10 and make Christmas ornaments with our church school. There will be pizza and homemade cookies and all of the materials and instructions you’ll need to make one or several of five different international Christmas ornaments.